
X-Files: The Journey Begins Anew

The X-files premiered In the fall of 1993, when I was just starting eighth grade. That was a big year for me. It was my third year living in Virginia and I had a solid group of friends. Well, one of the things we used to like to do was get together and watch the X-Files.

And this show scared the bejesus out of us. I mean seriously. Every week it was another nightmare from the minds of Chris Carter and his other excellent writers. It showed us a world of unknown, where really anything was possible. It also showed us a world where the upper hierarchy could not be trusted, and as teenagers we could relate. Oh yeah, and Gillian Anderson was kind of hot, and David Duchovny was cool, but dorky.

Back in those days, we used to love the night, just being outside. It was Northern Virginia, suburbs and strip malls, but at that time there were still forests and places where you could really feel outside. We used to sneak out and run crazy. Well, when you watched the X-files and had big imaginations, when you looked up in the sky, you could seriously seriously freak yourself out, and I remember this one time where we really thought there was a light following us, and we totally freaked out and ran like crazy back to my house. There were some nights where everyone would share their own personal ghost stories and we would scare each other to death. Personally, I have never seen a ghost, well there was this one time when I was driving my brother and his friends through the middle of the night, we see some fat guy in the middle of the road with a brief case and he might have been a ghost, but it's not confirmed in my mind, and well that fat guy was staring at us, and I don't feel very safe right now. But I do know that I've seen some weird shit, and lost time and whatever.

So as the years went on friends became not friends and interests changed from TV shows to girls and partying and movies, I kind of lost touch with the X-Files and scaring myself to death through television. But all that changed last night when I popped in Disc 1 of Season 1 of the X-Files. And guess what, it's still scary and it still scares the bejesus out of me.

I can't wait to go through this Television Series. I think I've only seen most of the first 5 seasons. Maybe some of the 6th. And I know that it had it's rough patches in it's later seasons, but well, so what. I'm going to try to watch as much X-Files as I can, because in a few short months, Mulder and Scully will be back. That's right, for all you non-movie industry, fan boy types, the Second X-Files movie is coming out this summer. And that's it. That's all i got. I have no more time to write because I have a lot of X-Files to watch.

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