
Super Tuesday Redux

Thoughts on Super Tuesday again.

You know, I've got nothing against Obama. The man can speak. I appreciate that, but it's just that he doesn't seem to say a whole lot when he does. Now maybe he's just being inspirational to show the difference between himself and Hillary, because they really do have similar policies. That's cool, but I think to a certain point he's going to have to get into some policy if he wants to win the nomination, because inspiration can only take you so far.

As for Hillary, I can say good work in winning Ohio & Texas. She's just going to keep doing her thing until Obama figures out how to end her run.

But it won't happen for a while now, and until that day happens and one of them goes onto face the Republicans' John McCain, my only word of advice (other then "Keep on Trucking") is that with all that effort spent trying to eliminate each other, please please, "Save some gas for the real race."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

An "Obama Conversation" is defined as a conversation where one person talks abundantly, even eloquently but at the end of the conversation, the other person is left with the feeling that absolutely nothing was said.