

I'm at work this morning. I got here at 8:45. All because my computer busted and I had nothing else to do.

It's bizarre being uplugged from the Matrix. When I woke up, I was like oh I should check the weather. Couldn't do that. Oh what time do the Wizards play tonight? Couldn't check that. Oh I wonder if there is any news on this this and this? Nope.

And when you start to think about how much time you spend online, it kind of freaks you out. I would probably have arrived here at 10:00. I would have putzed around. I personally kind of like not having the computer around, but my life is tapped into it that I could never get rid of it; it would be easier to get rid of my cell phone. My life and work are so caught up with technology I had to start doing yoga to feel human, and help my lower back from sitting at the desk! As a community, it brings us closer, but it pushes us further away. There will come a time when we will all get together in the same room, but instead of talking we'll be iChatting and surfing the net. I sometimes think my computer might be my best friend. It's kind of why I don't want an iPhone. Are we that far away from the "Demolition Man" and making love through the headsets, or have no idea how to even touch intimately, like Neo and Trinity in the "Matrix Reloaded"; I don't know.

It's slightly disturbing, but I guess that's where we're heading, anyway I have some more websites to look up while my editing projects imports some graphics.

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