
A Hectic Week and a Writing Update

Um.. did I spell hectic right? I don't even know anymore.

So after I posted about not getting the internship, the next day I did indeed get the internship and I started the next day, which was Wednesday. It was indeed a very hard day, and I did not want to let you all really know just in case I did not make it past the first day. I did make it through the first day, but I learned that I have a problem thinking in complete thoughts and writing in complete sentences. I wonder why?

Anyway, the internship is at "Film Rites" a production company in Bev Hills. They get material from agents and writers, read it and decide if they would be interested in turning that material into a film or at least think about it. I am mostly reading scripts and writing summaries and making notes. There is a lot to learn and if you do have a thinking problem I recommend reading "The Elements of Style" by Strunk & White. It is solid and powerful.

I have also been working at Herzog here and there too, trying to finish some longstanding projects and assist in some other projects in development.

I'm off!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, it's paying off. Those were some pretty complete sounding sentences there!