

Okay friends, the thing we've all been waiting for is back,

New York Times "The announcement in church bulletins and on Web sites has been greeted with enthusiasm by some and wariness by others. But mainly, it has gone over the heads of a vast generation of Roman Catholics who have no idea what it means: “Bishop Announces Plenary Indulgences.”
"church leaders bent on restoring fading traditions of penance in what they see as a self-satisfied world."
“Why are we bringing it back?” asked Bishop Nicholas A. DiMarzio of Brooklyn, who has embraced the move. “Because there is sin in the world.”

I think that MC HAMMER should make up a song about this. THERE IS SIN IN THE WORLD. SIN!!!! Oh wait is this a NINE INCH NAILS song. Ohhhhh...

Things are really starting to heat up. I've taken quit a few steps into a greater spiritual world over the last few years, but you know what, THIS MAKES MY PROTESTANT BLOOD BOIL! It really does.

Soon, you'll be able to buy indulgences off of Amazon.com, maybe they'll EBAY the Super Pope Special: with a signed picture of Pope Bennedict "Th Rat" frowning. This offer only for Catholics, meaning it excludes the Excommunicated, Jews, Muslims, Spirtual, Witches and all other non-Catholic Entities, especially The Protestants.

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