
On Writing: Grimacing

I've been finishing up the latest draft/version of HTLG and I decided to go back and look at the original version just for shits and giggles. And some of my reactions were, uh, um, eek, wow, ouch, gosh, oh no, head shaking, oh that was a a funny line, oh really, REALLY? , Will What is Wrong With You!.

So For those of you who did like the original version, thank you, LIKE SERIOUSLY THANK YOU, and please never reread it, or you will see, what I saw, and it was a little painful. It's like re-reading old love letters you sent to a girlfriend who you really thought you were in love with, but you really weren't, and you really kind of new it the whole time. Lots of grimacing. Lots of grimacing.

But in the end the good news is that for the most part, there is nothing I would have done differently, and all my favorite parts made it into the new one, which were like 4 pages, and Justin is the same, yeah, Justin is the same. Except no cowboy hat.

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