
The Asian Adventure Part 7: Departure Scenario

And so begins 1 of my three stops at the singapore airport, which will probably be pretty awful, over the next two weeks. And it's early. Like 4:30 AM early. And I feel like terrible. And I swear I saw some weird super small bird fly through my room, or was it a super small black sliver creature from my imagination, I really can't tell.

I'm going to remember Singapore, but not for the city really, and eventually I'll get around to writing about it. So Here's to doing something productive on the plane ride. And Here's to a Country of People that speak English.

Next Stop Hong Kong! And dammit I really need to stop first spelling it Honk. Cause its not Honk. It's Hong. (ok. Weird dyslexic moment, I just tried to write Honk and it came out Hong... crazy.) (AH!!!! the weird bird sliver creature!!! Leave me alone....)

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