
the Asian Adventure Part 6: That's a Wrap

The Show is Over.

Everyone's gone.

And then there was me.

Thank god.

I can't wait to get some alone time. Yesterday, I was all sad about the project being over (not that I wanted it to go on), I just wasn't really sure what to do with myself. I kind of sat around a lot, and then i went to the gym and was like... whatever. Then I had like a bottle and a half of wine with dinner, along with a mixed drink and some whiskey. My stomach is sturdier then I believed it could be.

I probably should go into detail about what I did. The highs and lows and the whatnots, but eh... you know I'm just not really feeling that. Let's just say that I got a lot of compliments for doing well, and being a calm presence amongst chicken heads.

I had a great team.

Melanie Low - Production Coordinator - She was like my secret weapon for getting whatever I needed. I mean you send in a super hot, ex model, who can think and is half asian, and see if you couldn't get whatever you needed.

Chris Dickinson - DP -- Cranky, moaning, british guy. Awesome DP though, and he really does have a sense of humor, no matter what the assistant editors tell you.

Rokman - Camera Assistant -- But really so much more. I mean his name is Rokman. No, but really, he's 47 with a 22 year old girlfriend, an ex-wife, and 4 kids. And he's really active and all over the place. Youthful as any on the crew, and his knowledge of Singapore really came in handy.

The rotating Sound People --- well... they were okay.

Irene!! Our coffee shop girl, PA, who really does Production Managing. She was all over our releases and she called our Location Notice her BFF. The one day they took her from us... it was dreadful.

UNG - our Van Driver --- he would play our Rap songs when we got in. So we also had a theme song (thanks Snoop)

We spent 10 days together, going around Singapore getting into adventures with the Bands and Singers. And those 10 days seem so long ago. It was totally intense.

And there were so many more people involved in this production. And everyone survived (although some people don't look so good).

The work we did, and what I learned from this will stay with me forever... which is kind of awesome.

I'm currently sitting in the hotel lobby, moving from the Fancy Trader's Hotel to the Happy Apartment, but check in is in like a half hour.

Once I'm there the next phase of my adventure begins. Hopefully, I'll have more stories to tell, but you know I'm kind of hoping to take it easy.



Unknown said...

Sounds great Will.

Does that mean your coming back to LA or are you gonna do more shooting in other countries?

Will Gong said...

No... I'm done working for two weeks... then I return to the states.

Anonymous said...

finally got a chance to read this... a very funny, will gong view of the last two weeks... i couldn't agree more about the family bit on day four... however, i would be careful while using the term "assistant editors" in the plural... i believe you have enough history to know otherwise...