
Music: Old Friends

You ever have your computer crash? And you lose all of your music... 

Well, as many of you know, my computer crashed and I didn't have a back up. I did go ahead and buy a time capsule (APPLE automated backing up system, is very buggy). Anyway. I'm still using my many sources to recover the music. APPLE, god bless them, gave me almost all the music I'd bought back. And TRACY gave me back a bunch of music and I'm sitting here listening and it's fantastic. I'm so happy.

What is great about getting your music back , is that this feeling almost makes losing it worth while. it's like your old friends disappeared for a while, and now they're back and you realize how much you loved them. Or like, if you break up with your girlfriend for a stupid reason and then are like "Oh My God! What have I done? I'm a moron" and you try to get them back. Unlike that situation, the music doesn't still resent you and hate you inside and really sow the seeds to your final demise. Thank God.

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