
Cry Baby

So Lebron is a phenomenal basketball player, but if he wants to pretend to be so tough, so gangsta, so invincible, he needs to stop bitching and crying to the referees. And maybe that's part of his superstar plan, to cry and cry and cry so he get's all the calls, but that's a little bitch move on his part. They may sweep us and we (the Wizards) may come off looking like fools, because we have two head cases and the Cavs seem to own us mentally, but at least! uh but you know, uh, well I don't really have a but... Seriously! though, I think he's driving to the basket taking four steps now. FOUR STEPS!!!

1 comment:

Kevin Baker said...

Well...I can promise you that they won't sweep us now. We still have a long way to go though...