
The Immortal Words of Marsellus Wallace

In the classic film "Pulp Fiction," Marsellus Wallace talks to Butch before a fight that Marsellus is paying Butch a ton of money to throw. Marsellus tells him.

"The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride fucking with you. Fuck pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps."

As most of you know, Butch does not throw the fight. He ACCIDENTALLY kills the other fighter and then has to escape Los Angeles, Marsellus, Zed & the Gimp. All this happens because he didn't listen to Marsellus, his pride wouldn't let him.

I think back to this quote quite a bit. Mostly because, these days, in life, I've gotten to a point where I'm really good at some things, and there are other things that I'm not good at, and the idea that people may see me in a weak position is absolutely terrifying to my EGO. And in order for my EGO to be completely satisfied it doesn't even want to be close to a potentially embarrassing situation, so I'm steered away from them by the most ridiculous excuses. I can magically just not appear places, or suddenly get sick, or freak out, or go cold, and robotic.

Ahhh.... If only Marsellus Wallace could come up to me before I'm near a potentially embarrassing situation and repeated his immortal words. Could Marsellus get through to my Pride/Ego? Could he slap some sense into him?

"Will, the night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride fucking with you."

"I don't know Marsellus, I think that the fight be more painful then giving into Pride."

"Fuck Pride."

"No Marsellus, I don't think you understand. Let me break it down for you. If I go through with "the Fight," I will be embarrassed red faced. I'll lose my reputation. I'll be a laughing stock. Ya hear?"

"Pride only hurts, it never helps."

"That's easy for you to say, You like have a bajillion dollars, a hot wife, and the respect of god and the Devil. We are
just not on the same page." Marsellus shakes his head.

I guess if Marsellus can't help me, I'm just going to be strong. No Fear.
What would life be like if we weren't afraid? We'd be invincible.

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