
Beatles Mania 09

Hello FRIENDS!!!

Well, you know, here we are in 09 and suddenly it seems like the Beatles are IN again. At least the marketing & media of the world are making it seem so. Let me show the ways.

1. All of the Beatles music is being remastered for all music outlets.

2. The Beatles catalog will make it's way to Itunes.

3. Beatles ROCK BACK!!! Crazy!

And what inspired this little blog was that Robert Zemekis and Disney are going to remake the Yellow Submarine! (with Motion Capture, you know the weird CGI where the characters almost look human, but also have the dead eyes. DEAD EYES!)

I'm just curious Why? I mean, I guess The Beatles are big business no matter what. But the thing that I'm really curious about is if people actually care, if all the kids and humans of the world are suddenly re-listening to their music. (I know at one point I did.) And you know what, i think their rock band will be a big deal. I will try to embed the trailer below. IT IS A MUST CHECK OUT!

UPDATE: Okay it's too big to embed. :(

So here is the link


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