
The Asian Adventure Part 4: The Great Sigh

Day 1 of the shoot. I'm still alive... and you know.... I don't have time to make sure that everything is spelled right, so i'm just going to go and ramble on. PRODUCTION IS CRAZY!!! and I'm really really tired... but hey.. what ev's. You work up really late, get a few hours of sleep and then get up and go back to it...

I've been taking bands out into Singapore and we've been having them do things... and we film them, and I tell our Dp camera operator what to sleep and he moans, because he's british and then I make friends with the band and I try to make everyone feel okay about being a monkey in a cage.... and there are a lot of attractive hardworking girls on this production....

Some random thoughts

Can one be Nononsense and Playful at the same time

Fucking Dallas Cowboys.

Time change is really odd. I think everyone on the east coast is working and I'm going to bed.

It's easy to be mad, but we should aim for calm in the storm.

Family shouldn't work together... I do not care what people think...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice randomness pal.

1. Production is fun, ain't it?

2. Hard working attractive girls on set, my favorite!

3. Family shouldn't work together 95% of the time...doesn't work out.

4. Dallas Cowboys. POo! Like an amature Madden player, they didn't run the ball!! Run the football doofus. Coach Phillips appologized for not running the ball on Sunday in his press conference today. Thanks. Just don't forget to also throw the ball next week when you try to re-establish the run game. ... Balance coach, balance. Back to football 101 I guess.

P.S. Happy New Year ;)