
The Asian Adventure Part 1

So, here I was thinking I’d get the chance to take it slightly easy. Take some weeks off, because work at Herzog was really calming down. HAHAHAHAHA That’s funny.

Then I get a call from a friend and she's like why don't you come work for SUTASI.com and field produce, and I'm like I've never field produced before, but hey whatever, and she's like it's in SINGAPORE and I'm like. I'm in. Whatever you need.

So now, I’m on a plane about 5 hours out of Bangkok, BANGKOK! So surreal. There were about 13 of us on the same flight and I just kept flashing back to all those B-Roll tapes we used to go through showing all the film crews getting onto the airplanes and I really thought, my god this is the same thing. So, now instead of being behind the scenes in POST. I’m on the scene in production. SHOOTING. Totally crazy. This is totally crazy. And I’m in over my head, and I don’t really know what I’m doing, but I respond back to myself, sooner then you can to me, that “Well when does he really ever know what he’s doing.” And I don’t know, but I do know me, so I think I’ll be okay. With tons of hard work, a little sleep, and the power of positivity (Wait is that “The Secret”. Shit.)

I’ve been on this project a little over 2 weeks and I can say without a doubt that for the first week I was excited and then as we approached takeoff, I got more and more petrified, which is great because everyone comes up to you and is like, “Man, this is so cool. You’re going to SINGAPORE. You must be so excited!” and I’m all fake smile, drowning in fear. “Yeah, it’s awesome. Really. Really. Awesome.” And with each word it’s like a hammer slamming down on the nail of fate.

Well, fate here I come… what’ve you got for me!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve only gotten four hours of sleep and need to watch an episode of “America’s next top model” for some reality research.

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