
November 2008

I love Novembers.

This November here in Sunny California, we experienced some extreme heat, but now it feels like fall. There is a nice crispness to the air, the kind that makes me want to get a Pumpkin Latte from Starbucks. And with that wind, a reminder of the best of days, and wave of emotions, and the remembrance of something I think is called sweaters. It's really that feeling of positive beginnings, where October feels like the end of things, and September is just the last dredges of Summer. It's November 11th. I have some work, but not a ton of it, I get the chance to work on some of my own things, and also take it easy. I've been going to bed at a reasonable time and waking up early with a clear head for doing things. And that is awesome.


Anonymous said...

It's supposed to be in the 90s on Friday...boooo...

Will Gong said...
