
Election '08: 021

On the eve of election night, I thought I should chime in, right in my blog about my thoughts, I mean why have a blog if you don't set pen to paper. Right?

Not so Random Thought: Wouldn't it be nice if Barack Obama won.

Not so Random Thought 2: Is it just me or does Barack seem more like someone you might know then a true blue inspirational politician, kind of like the best teacher you may have ever had in high school? LIke for real, what's up Teach? How's Michelle? Oh She's great. Cool. What kind of knowledge bombs are you going to drop on us today?

I wasn't immediately taken with Barack Obama. I kind of thought, who does this guy think he is? Yes We Can. I wasn't buying it. I wasn't really interested.

4 Year ago I was though. Funny. When I watched the 2004 DNC, I wasn't amazed, shocked, inspired. There were no blue states, no red states, just the United States. Amazing line. Brilliantly delivered. Why the hell wasn't he running for President. Here was passion. Here was photogenic. And then I found out he had almost no experience and was like oh, okay, well then I guess 2008.

But something happened between 2004 and 2008, I got tired of his message, I was like whatever, you're not saying anything. Yes We Can, do what? What can we do? And I decided I liked Hilary better. After a month of being Pro-Hilary, I went back to being Pro-Obama, mostly because, honestly, I just kind of knew he'd have a better chance getting elected. I mean for real, HIlary, well she just rubs people wrong, and really believed she didn't have a chance.

So I jumped onto the Obama Bandwagan, and you know it's not a bad place to be.

I tried to not blog about the election, but then Sarah Palin was nominated and well, I suddenly had all the leftist liberal rage rise up in me, and it needed a release. That woman still infuriates me. Drill, Baby, Drill. It's like the worst of what everyone thinks of America all wrapped into one nice tidy package. You try defending the good people of The U.S. when we nominate a woman like that. I mean, please. And the worst part is, she's not done. No matter how things shake out in the election, this woman will be back. It's like a brand new supervillain in a comic book. You just know she's going to come back to taunt the good guys for years.

And so I started reading, reading bios, and news articles, on beliefs, policies, plans, watched the 3rd debate at 6:00 AM in Hong Kong, and continued blogging, and reading, arguing, defending, listening.

Oh and suddenly the Economy dropped out. Like hard core. And while there are some good things to have happened when that occurred, like the dollar getting stronger in Asia, and my college loan interest rates dropping along with gas prices, the bleak outlook that America is facing worries me. The world outlook worries me. And it worries me, because it's going to get worse. You just know this is the beginning. And people are hurting. Everywhere.

And people are going to give up. Their going to give up on their hopes, their dreams, and their lives. As the dark clouds cover the sky and the mood darkens over the world, people are going to need hope, more so then they need change, and this is not going to come from John McCain; it has to come from Barack Obama. John McCain is ultimately too self serving for today. More obsessed with achieving the job, then doing the job. From everything I've read he's always been like this and he's way too old to change.

But today, you know, I believe in Mr. Obama. And I believe that he may not make the best decisions, and when, if elected, things get worse, people are going to look down on him, and he isn't going to be the most popular man in America, but I will believe that he is doing everything he can for us, and I'm going to be alright with that. Yeah, I think we'll be alright with Barack Obama, eventually.

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