
The Sugar Problem

How many sugar packets do you put into your coffee?

Well, about a year ago I was putting three sugar packets into my coffee and I was looking to maybe make a switch to Splenda. So I called my foremost expert on things that are healthy and bad for you.

Will: Hey Rachel, so uh, I have a question.
Rachel: Okay. What's up?
Will: Well, I'm thinking of switching to Splenda?
Rachel: For like everything?
Will: No for my coffee. Splenda and non-fat milk.
Rachel: How much sugar do you use?
Will: Three sugar packets.
Rachel: Jeez, I can see why you'd want to switch. That's A LOT of sugar for like every cup of coffee.
Will: I know!
Rachel: Well, I wouldn't switch to Splenda, because (can't remember the exact smart words she used...) because it's like really really bad to not be natural and natural is the best way to go... (sorry Raye, I just can't remember)
Will: So, I should stick to sugar.
Rachel: Yeah, if you don't want to put bad S$!& inside of you.
Will: Okay, that sucks.
Rachel: If I were you I'd just cut back.
Will: Great.

After my conversation with Rachel I tried cutting back, but you know, for the life of me, I just couldn't it didn't taste good, especially, non-fat lite sugar coffee. Yuck.

So it's been a year now, and over the past year, I've really tried to think about what I eat and what goes inside me. And I just read this great quote from some journal that was posted in the kitchen at work, that basically said that your body remakes itself twice a year, and it uses what you put inside you to remake it. So if you want to get ridiculous with that, think about being a human hamburger like I used to be. I mean when I was 8 my whole body was sponsored by McDonalds. "Will Gong has been brought to you by MCDONALDS!"

All of this brings me back to the past week. Something happened to me, oddly enough it appears that my mouth and tongue have decided to reject all the sugar I've been putting in my coffee, by making me feel kind of sick with it in there, like my mouth is sending my brain signals that this is way to much sugar, but then another part of my brain is like, WHAT? I need the sugar. So after this happened, I cut back to one sugar packet per coffee, and you know what I've been okay. It just goes to show how oddly connected all of the parts of our body and mind are....

Weird stuff.

"Will Gong has been brought to you by Trader Joe's & some random miscellaneous restaurants."


Kevin Baker said...

I have a new idea--I heard about this sugar substitute called Stevia that is totally herbal and supposed to be better for you. It is going to be marketed under the names Rebiana or Truvia and I think it will be in little green packets. I heard it just hit the streets in NYC last week, but is supposed to expand. It may be good...despite being made by coca-cola.

Anyway, just an idea.

Will Gong said...

Thanks Kevin,

I will look into Rebiana or Truvia or Stevia, and I will let go of the xenophobic side that is afraid of a product that sounds like it was made in the Ukraine, all for the sake of being herbal.

Unknown said...

strange but true the way that we (you) relate cravings to what you actually eat.

"Weired stuff" as you put it.

If you want more "weired stuff" about the way people work, talk to me about what I've been doing all weekend. - but knowing our uncanny ability to be roomates without ever seeing each other ;) we won't be able to talk until Monday morning or night...hopefully. Though, of course, you will hear about things soon enough whether you ask me about them or not.

Will Gong said...

Yes. It's like having the place all to myself again...

Anonymous said...

Watch out if you try Stevia will - it's like 250x as strong as sugar. If you use to much of it...well...I had to spit it out.

I think the lack of sugar has to do with yoga and meditating.

Will Gong said...


But 250x Sugar... that's tempting. Let me go meditate on this some more...