
Not Just a Job

Work is Life? Is this the truth? How many of us spend most of our hours at one place, with one group of people? Do you feel like you have 2 lives, one at work and one at home? Or is your house just a place to sleep? These are just some questions you hear from your friends, your family, songs, movies, TV.

Looking back at 2008, has made me a bit more reflective of the ebb and flow of life and what I've found is an overemphasis of life at work. Outside of it, I don't appear to have much of a life, but in honesty outside of that little mocking voice in my own head, I don't really feel to bad about it. Because what I've found is that so much of my personal development has stemmed from what I've learned at work and from the people I work with, and for all the world I wouldn't take that back.

We can complain about our jobs and our lives and the things that we do each minute of every day, but if we take a moment and look at where we are right now and what it is we are actually doing, it's up to us to make a change and I feel that so long as we are longer new things and reaching towards what it is that we truly want to achieve then our hang ups can disappear, but its on us to let go of them.

I've been known to fight life, to go against the flow, and I'll probably keep doing that, because I keep thinking (Not knowing) that I've done all I can at Herzog & Company, but every time I come back there is something else to learn, some nugget of experience that can be gleamed if I just keep my eyes open. I've done almost every conceivable job at this company (I won't list them off), but every one of them has raised me up a level professionally and personally and each job has had a mentor or teacher, even if they did not know it, and I believe they've made me a better person, because that is absolutely achievable at this company, and as I've heard and seen for my self, most places are not like. For me, Herzog has not been a job, it's been a journey.

So here's a toast to Work Life, to Herzog & Company, to the people I work with, the ones I interact with every day, and the ones that no longer walk those halls. You're all in my thoughts and my heart, because you all have made a difference for me. Thank you.

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