
How do I use this thing...

You just have to hit a few keys... maybe one key at a time... ugh...

So... I've been A.W.O.L.

Like really A.W.O.L.

Like "Will why do you even have a blog anymore?" A.W.O.L.

What does A.W.O.L. mean?

Well, I moved. I painted the place. I built furniture. My thumb hurts. I finished the Super Important Crazy Disney/Bruckheimer Sizzle Piece for a Licensing Show. I made it to my class, but did not actually term in the final assignment, so I will not get a grade, and if I do, it will start with Effe... and there is some other stuff I did too... but I forgot a lot of it already.

But.... well I'd just like to thank Everyone who helped us move, and helped me get through this stressful, but not bad, period. Here we go...

Brian Armes.
Jason Carter "The Spicy"
Jeremy Cook.
Sara O.
The Editors I'm working with.
"The Runaways"
Tracy x2

Man, I'm totally forgetting someone or people or something.

Anyway. Things are starting to simmer down a little bit. We're still on Medium Hot. But we ain't boiling.

Now it's time for the fiesta. If you're around we're doing a housewarming party at my new place on JUNE 28th.

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