
The Playoffs Continue

Oh Dear, here comes another Washington Wizards basketball blog from Will.


The Lebron James - Deshawn Stevenson Feud continues. At a Washington D.C. Club on Friday night, a New JAY-Z record was played that was a complete DIS on Deshawn and his skills. Jay-Z is a friend of Lebron James. So this thing is going to get really stupid really soon, well, it already is, but it's getting stupider. And after they played that record like 5 times in a row, DAMON JONES, yes DAMON JONES got on the microphone to make fun of Deshawn. Mr. Damon Jones, I don't even get off the bench anymore, Damon Jones. And to top it all off it turns out that original negative comments that started this whole thing off, the ones Lebron James said around Dwight Gooden, who is like Deshawn's best friend, have now come out. Turns out Lebron said, well to quote Deshawn, "He said something about my game. He said I'm getting a lot of hype this year, that he doesn't think I'm the good player I am and basically that I suck, our team sucks and we're not going anywhere. I took offense to that." You know if I was Deshawn, I'd probably take offense to that too.

Tomorrow is Game 4. Wizards are down 2-1 to the Cavaliers. It's anybody's game. 

I can't even handle how ridiculous this series is getting.

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