
Two Boys on a Hill - 3 Vignettes

It is night and a full moon sits above two Thirteen Year Old's sitting on a hilltop surrounded by trees.
The first boy is Sean. The second boy is Jerry.
They discuss important things.

Sean - Favorite name for a fictional porno?
Jerry - Zombie Porn.
Sean - A Beginners Guide to Zombie Porn.
Jerry - The Zombie Porn survival guide.
Sean - Your Momma fucks the Zombie Porn.
Jerry - Your Momma um... shit. I'm out.

Sean takes a swig of the bottle off his Mother's 12 dollar vodka and looks up at the stars.

Sean - Man, I can't wait to leave home.
Jerry - Dude, we are never getting out of here.
Sean - No way, as soon as I'm eighteen, I'm leaving and never coming back.
Sean - Fuck this place.
Sean - A lot.
Jerry - I don't know. It's not so bad.
Sean - It's not so bad, because you've got a girlfriend. You won't leave her, or anyone woman for that matter.
Jerry - No, I'd totally leave her. We're not having sex.
Sean - Nah, you'd stay. Know why?
Jerry - Why?
Sean - Because of the promise of it.
Jerry - You know everything doesn't have to be about Sex and shit.
Sean - No It Is. Life is all about Sex and shit.
Sean - And war. Life is about war too.
Jerry - Dude, you are being really negative right now.
Jerry - And can you pass me the bottle?

Jerry takes a bite off of his sandwich.

Jerry - Do you think Transformer's 3 will be any good?
Sean - I don't know. They drop kicked Megan Fox to the curb, dumped her ass in a ditch, slammed her trailer park door behind her and she was the only reason i watched the first one.
Jerry - But the robots are cool.
Sean - The robots are always cool, but they might get boring in it. If they don't do something RIDICULOUS.
Jerry - Well that other girl was hot.
Sean - Who? Robo-Tongue? Shia's Mouth Raper? Only YOU would think that she's hot.
Jerry - Whatever, at least I've got a girlfriend.
Sean - And I've got the internet, which is better?
Jerry - Well. Shit.

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