
Another Year, Another Jorge's Mix

Hey kids!

So every year or so, (Okay there was one point where I took almost 3 years off) I put together a Jorge's Mix CD. And the only prerequisite for a Jorge's Mix is that Jorge should like the songs. One year, I think it was Jorge's Mix 3, I put too much rap on it and he didn't like it, and I had to make some changes.

Anyway, This morning I began work on Jorge's Mix X (not 10, because well my numbering for these things is all messed up, and would probably need a total retcon at some point).

And I worked furiously, and I think it's done.

It's funny. I think this is the most Electronicy of them since the first one. But this one also kind of has the most Retro-80's synth music attached to it. And it also might be one of the darkest in tone and lyrics, uh, but you don't actually have to listen to the lyrics and you can just ride the wave of sounds. Anywho,I Like the shit out of it. So whatev's. If anyone wants one just give a hoot and I'll send you a CD.

Jorge's Mix X - All My Friends

Featuring Songs from ---
Bloc Party
LCD Soundsystem
Lady Gaga
And other fabulous Artists you've never heard of... uh like Kanye West (right. Like no one's ever heard of him, fricken sellout Will)

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