
Back from the Depths


Cue the Dramatic Music with Japanese Taiko Drums.

Voice Over Guy, "Deep within the jungles of Los Angeles..."

Random people's voices ---

"Will, are you ever going to blog again?"

"Hey Will, why aren't you blogging? WTF?"

"Dude, whatever happened to your blog?"

"You know what, Fuck you, and your blog."

Voice Over Guy "Stood one man. Alone."

In a bar, after 5 whiskeys, Will looks out, bloodshot eyes, "I can't do it. I can't keep blogging. I've got nothing to blog about. All I think are negative things, things that would make people sad." He breaks a glass in his fist.

Cut to: Will stares at his bleeding hand in the shower, "Dammit, I keep starting a blog and it gets all negative and then I stop and erase, I CAN'T DO IT!!!" A tear is shed, but no one can see it because of the shower.

Voice Over Guy, "And day's passed, and months passed, but one day..."

Will looked out through his eyes, through his car window, and into the sky and he said, "I can blog again. I can do this."

Voice Over Guy, "Faster. Stronger. And still Crazy. Will Gong is back!"

Yup, it's true. I'm back and here to get ya'll prepped for the Crazy Trip I am planning, but more on that tomorrow.

Cough, I hope.

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