
Will & Rachel Conversation# 06

The phone rings.

Rachel - Will, the new U2 SONG IS TERRIBLE.

Will - Uh. Hi.

Rachel - HI.

WIll - So I guess you ---

Rachel - Yeah, i was reading your blog and I was like oh hey, why I didn't I listen to it and it's like this terrible thing that's part Radiohead, Third Eye Blind, and some other crap.

Will - Uh yeah, I didn't like it at first.

Rachel - No Will, IT'S TERRIBLE. AWFUL. The lyrics are completely garbage. I mean what they hell are they telling you to go put on your (insert science jargon) boots and go out in the mud.

Will - Wait, so how does any of that make it Radiohead?

Rachel - You know they do that high singing crap.

Will - Uh, doesn't everybody do that.

Rachel - Yes, and I hate it.

Will - Well, I didn't like it first, but you know the rhythm and guitar work is pretty good.

Rachel - Yeah, I guess if you take away all that other crap it's not bad.

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