
Random Thoughts # 3

I hate to say it, but Joe Lieberman is a traitor for supporting John McCain.
From Joe, "“I just feel so strongly that John McCain is the best candidate for president."

You can watch the punk bastard's speech tonight.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Wow, talk about opening Pandora’s box!

Random thought?! Really… I guess it could be, but it’s a damn important one.

#1 – My brother is voting for McCain. Interesting and unfortunate. He refuses to tell me why. I’d love to know…

#2 – Joe Liberman is not a traitor. He’s a sell-out!

(sigh) Will take no offense. This explanation of Joe Liberman is more aimed at my mom and other hard core democrats who are viciously angry that he’s endorsed McCain. I mean a liberal Jew endorsing a conservative democrat; they can’t get over it.

But let’s get real, he’s not a traitor. He clearly, truly and honestly thinks that McCain would make the best President. I believe that he believes that because he’s now not welcome as a democrat and won’t ever be welcome as a republican (uh, check the stand on the issues). You don’t do that as a career politician unless you really believe it. For this I admire Liberman. I really do. But here’s the problem:

He’s doing it because he feels the democratic party dumped him. 8 years ago he was their Vice President to be. Then about 6 years after wining the general election but losing the white house in the supreme court, Liberman lost the democratic PRIMARY for the senate seat he had held for like a million years. The PRIMARY people! That means there was another democratic candidate running against him for his incumbent seat. Basically that NEVER happens. Incumbent politicians have such an advantage that neither the democratic or republican parties ever allow anyone else to run in the primary. It’s not like the presidential primaries. For senators the primary is supposed to be kinda fixed… but the democratic party for reasons I don’t know about, let someone else run and beat Liberman. So he got pissed. Real pissed and ran in the senate election as an independent. And he won! So Joe Liberman is now an independent senator in Washington. So let’s start there, he’s not a traitor, he’s not even a democrat because the party dumped him! So who’s he a traitor against?…

BUT he’s selling out BIG time. He talked tonight about Sara Palin like she’s something great, when they disagree on all social issues: abortion, gay rights, etc, etc… In fact the only thing Liberman and Palin do agree on is Iraq. And that’s probably largely why Joe Liberman is supporting McCain in the first place. But Joe Liberman could support McCain from his house. He went to the Republican National Convention and spoke for McCain to present some sort of half as vision of unity. Like we should forget party lines and vote for the best man. I do that in my personal politics. But Liberman’s just securing his own seat in McCain’s cabinet. Mr. Liberman, come on. Don’t talk to me like I’m an idiot who doesn’t know anything. You agree with McCain on one issue (Iraq) and disagree on so many others. Support McCain, but don’t show up at the Republican Convention and preach like parties don’t matter. Lame.

Give me a reason to vote for McCain if you believe so strongly. And come out and tell us that you haven’t been promised a seat in his cabinet. Come out and tell me that your not supporting your friend because your not welcome anymore at the democratic convention. Come out and tell me that your just doing this because it’s right for America. Come out and tell me your not a sell out.